edition prolog 2025

28 April-01 Mai 2025
Download "Call for papers"

8TH Edition

In recent years, the field of supply chain management (SCM) has undergone significant changes and developments. These include the emergence of new concepts such as green logistics, reverse logistics, logistics 4.0, digitalisation, the Internet of Things (IoT), and others. Despite these changes and other improvements in SCM, the global pandemic has emerged as a major disruption to the smooth flow of goods, people, and materials. Perhaps more than any other event in modern history, the pandemic paralysed the world and revealed the crucial importance of mastering and recombining the SCM to overcome crises. The scale of the disruption caused by this crisis across countries and industries shows that pandemics are qualitatively different from normal disruptions. This crisis has put SC and SCM to the test, and has served as a trigger for re-examining the relevance of previous conceptions of SC and SCM in the new normal.

PROLOG – Project Logistic

The increase of competition and the rapid technological change, characterizing the nowadays business environment require a shift towards new paradigms in the fields of logistics and project management. Aiming to increase their business performance, companies adopt new logistics and project related strategies, oriented not only towards technical excellence and optimization, but also towards innovation. The international Conference PROLOG is a scientific event, aimed at creating a synergy between the field of logistics/SCM and Project Management. It also promotes research, focusing on contemporary issues in SCM and Project Management, allowing an incremental contribution to theory and value creation for companies.

Guests Speakers

Prof. Joana Geraldi

Copenhagen Business School, DK

Prof. Michael Bourlakis

Cranfield School of Management, UK

Organization commitee

Dr. Sarra Dahmani

SKEMA Business School, Paris

Dr. Carlo Giglio

University of Calabria

Prof. Julien Husson

IAE Metz, Université de Lorraine

Prof. Carole Poirel

IUT Aix Marseille, Aix Marseille Université

Dr. Meriem Karaa

IUT Quimper, Université de Bretagne Occidentale

Dr. Nawfal Bahha

ENCG, Université Cadi Ayyad, Marrakech

Dr. Lisa Laforet

IAE Savoie Mont Blanc, UniversitéSavoie Mont Blanc

Dr. Amine Belhadi

Université Internationale de Rabat

Dr. Asma Rakiz

Université Paris Nanterre

Dr. Mohamed Ouiakoub

IUT Longwy, Université de Lorraine

Dr. Renaud Allamano

IAE Metz, Université de Lorraine

Dr. Najoua Hammouch

ENCG, Université Ibn Zohr, Agadir

Dr. Amr Mir

ESCA Casablanca

Pr. Mohammed Amine BALAMBO

Université Cadi Ayyad


HEM, LCI Education

Pr. Ahlam QAFAS

ENCG, Université Ibn Tofaïl

Founders of Prolog

Smail Benzidia

IAE Metz, Université de Lorraine, FR

Omar Bentahar

IAE Metz, Université de Lorraine, FR