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Doctoral Consortium

The Prolog Doctoral Consortium is intended for PhD students in Logistics, Supply Chain Management or Project Management who wish to present and discuss their doctoral project. The Doctoral Consortium is a forum dedicated to exchange comments, support and feedback to help PhD students to progress in their research work in a constructive manner (on theoretical, methodological and/or epistemological levels). Based on communication proposals submitted and evaluated beforehand, PhD projects will be presented and discussed with fellow PhD students and established researchers in Logistics, Supply Chain Management or Project Management. These communication proposals take the form of a PhD progress report.

The Scientific Committee of the 2025 doctoral consortium is co-chaired by Prof. Omar Bentahar and Prof. Smail Benzidia (Lorraine University). PhD students should submit a short paper of about 5 to 8 pages (excluding references and annexes) in English or French. These doctoral projects will be evaluated anonymously by two evaluators. They must include the feedbacks of the evaluators. Papers that do not respect this limitation in number of pages will be automatically rejected.

The 2025 PROLOG Doctoral Consortium will take place in Marrakech during PROLOG Conference, 28 April 2025.


To submit your papers, please refer to the page "Submission & Program"

Submission standard

Documents must be submitted in Microsoft Word format (A4 size).

The submitted document should be presenting the PhD project, compliant with the academic standards (context, problematic, research questions, literature review, methodology, results, limits and contributions, references)

The first page should include the following elements :

* The title of the document (Times New Roman, in bold, 14).

* A list of keywords (Times New Roman, 12pt).

* An abstract of less than 500 words. Must indicate the focus of the communication, the design of the research, the main results, the theoretical and the managerial contributions, the limits of the doctoral process.

* PhD director – Research center affiliation

* Date of first PhD registration

* Expected date of defense (or period)

* Actual professional position

The layout of the text should be in a Word format with a 1.5 space, using 12-point Times New Roman font, and margins of 2.5 cm (top, bottom, left and right). The titles should be in bold and numbered as 1 and 1.1, 1.1.1, etc. Page numbering will be centered at the bottom of the page and begin with 1. Figures, diagrams and tables should be centered, with a numbered title and placed in the text prior to their content. For writing structured documents of the doctoral workshop, authors should follow the guidelines'  template in "instructions to the authors" section.

Key dates

Deadline for submission of PhD document

January 15, 2025

Feedbacks from evaluators on PhD document

January 25, 2025

Deadline of final document

February 10, 2025